
Showing posts from November, 2022

An Amazing Park Day

     Hey guys, day 2 of production is now complete! Giulia and I met at my house on November 28 to film the second portion of our music video. From my house, we walked to a nearby park that I suggested would be a great place to film the next scene. This is because for the scene, we needed Giulia to lay in a patch of grass, and a park is the perfect setting. I directed us to the park from my house and made sure that we made it there safely.      Once we made it to the park, I first suggested that we film underneath a cluster of trees. I had Giulia lay down in the shade while I pulled out the camera to see how the setup looked. I realized that the lighting was very dark in that area, so I had Giulia move to a patch of grass in the sun. I looked again, but Giulia's face looked washed out by the sunlight. I even tried using different settings on the camera like the beach, vibrant, and natural settings, however, none of them helped. To solve this problem, I tried to find another spot in

Lights, Camera, Production!

     Hey guys! It's that time again, time to start the production process! I decided that it was best to split the filming into 3 days, one day filming the car scene, one day the bedroom scene, and one day the park scene. I felt that this would be best because last time we filmed a project, the filming took much longer than expected and was very tiring. By splitting up the filming this way, I thought that we would be able to film quality content and not feel overworked.       The first day of filming was on Wednesday, November 23rd. Giulia came over to my house to film, and my bedroom was used as our set. I was in charge of setting up the camera and tripod and making sure the lighting was perfect. I had gotten the camera and tripod from my Media Studies teacher the week prior so that the shots would be high quality.       Trying to properly set up the camera for the first scene took a few tries. This is because I had originally planned to film this scene at Giulia's house, wher

The Last Step Before Production: Storyboard

Hey guys! So the next step of the music video process was to storyboard our video. The following is the different scenes that we storyboarded.   First Scene - In the first opening scene, the camera will be set up from the passenger seat inside of the car. It will face the driver’s seat as a medium long shot. Prior to the song beginning to play, the main character - (who will be known as Person A), will enter the car from the driver’s door looking both exhausted and overwhelmed. Person A will then reach for the power button for the radio in the car and turn it on. Second Scene -  Maintaining the same medium long shot, Person A continues to try and get themselves together, resting their head on the steering wheel in distress. Third Scene -  As the song fades in, the camera will pan to the car radio to show what song is playing. The car screen will display the song title, “Attracted To You,” along with the artist’s name, PinkPantheress, and the time. The camera will zoom into the screen a

Planning Makes Perfect

     Hey guys, I'm back! Giulia and I started discussing what we are going to do and and the things needed for our music video on the song "Attracted to you" by PinkPantheress. We've planned everything out and I wanted to share it with all of you.      First, we need a few props to truly enhance our video. The biggest prop we need is a car with a radio for the first scene where the actress would start playing the song. Next, we need a cell phone for when she contemplates calling the person she is thinking about. The next scene would require a bouquet of flowers that the actress would bring to someone's front door step. The final prop we need is a bed for the second to last scene.      The next thing we considered are the costumes we would be using. For the first and second scenes we would be using the same costumes, casual wear like jeans, a shirt, and sneakers. However, for the next scene on the bed, the actress would wear pajamas, pajama pants or shorts and a sh

The Fundamental Step: Research

      Hey guys! So the next step of the music video process was to research music videos of songs similar to the one we are using in order to understand some of the common conventions used. The song we are using for the music video, "Attracted to you" by PinkPantheress, is classified as being alternative/indie and pop.     So, the first thing we did was look up alternative/indie songs. When looking at different music videos for these songs, we saw many constants. The first thing we saw was that many music videos portray a literal representation of the song. For example, when looking at the video for the song "Riptide" by Vance Joy, each scene would literally represent the words being said, like a woman in a dentist chair and a dark room for the line "I was scared of dentists and the dark." We saw something similar in the video for the song "Sit Next to Me" by Foster the People. We find this literal representation to be interesting and something w

The First Steps

     Hey everyone! Today I am writing to you guys about my next project, a music video. For this project my group consists of only one other person, Giulia Ballarin. I worked with Giulia for the last project I did, the commercial. My group for that project consisted of Giulia, Andres, and myself. However, for this project, we decided not to keep the same group for two reasons. First, Andres had a schedule change and was switched out of our class period into another AICE Media class. Being in different classes made it much harder to work together and collaborate on ideas. Andres also wanted to try working with someone new, so we all decided it was best that me and Giulia only worked together.      I chose to continue working with Giulia because I know that we work well together. I have known Giulia since 1st grade, and throughout elementary, middle, and high school we have worked on many projects together. Like me, Giulia is very organized and hardworking, so I know that she will be a g

Getting to Know Me

      Hello again everyone, its tenth grader Yasmin Harebin. Some of you guys already know me from my previous blogs, but some of you may be newcomers, so let me explain  everything. I started blogging a little over a month and a half ago to detail my experiences in AICE Media. So far I have learned so much about the filming and production process of videos and movies. In the beginning, I was actually not sure if I wanted to take the class because even though I had heard great things about AICE Media, I wasn't sure if I would be interested in the class. I'm more interested in classes like history and law, and I felt that the class would be too hands on for me. However, a lot of friends I knew were taking it, and many teachers recommended the class to me, so, I decided to take the class.      I am so happy I made this decision as AICE Media has become one of my favorite classes by far. I have found that I truly enjoy directing videos and find it to be so intriguing that there ar