Getting to Know Me

     Hello again everyone, its tenth grader Yasmin Harebin. Some of you guys already know me from my previous blogs, but some of you may be newcomers, so let me explain everything. I started blogging a little over a month and a half ago to detail my experiences in AICE Media. So far I have learned so much about the filming and production process of videos and movies. In the beginning, I was actually not sure if I wanted to take the class because even though I had heard great things about AICE Media, I wasn't sure if I would be interested in the class. I'm more interested in classes like history and law, and I felt that the class would be too hands on for me. However, a lot of friends I knew were taking it, and many teachers recommended the class to me, so, I decided to take the class. 

    I am so happy I made this decision as AICE Media has become one of my favorite classes by far. I have found that I truly enjoy directing videos and find it to be so intriguing that there are so many small components that can really bring a video to life. I've already done one project in the class where we created a commercial for any product of our choice. The reason I started my blog in the first place was to document this first project so that I could share my experience with all of you and so I can look back and reflect on the progress I have made since starting the class. 

    The next project we are going to do is a music video to a song of our choice. This is unlike any project I have done before and I am so excited to get started. But don't worry, I will continue to regularly post blogs to record my experiences.

    Now, before you follow along with me on this next part of my AICE Media journey, I want to tell you a little about myself. I love to travel and have been traveling ever since I was 9 months old. My favorite place I've traveled to is London, where I have a lot of family. We travel there often and each visit is better than the last! I truly love England and I actually hope to move there in the future and practice law.

    Law is another one of my passions. I am very thankful to be in a program at my school where we get to learn all about how to develop the necessary skills to have a successful career in law. I am also a part of my school's mock trial team and I have loved being so involved in these programs that will help me so much in the future. If I do end up pursuing a career in law, I would want to be a civil lawyer, as I feel that I would enjoy that area of law most. However, if I don't end up being a civil lawyer, I would likely pursue a career in business or marketing as those are two other areas I am interested in. 

    Now that you've gotten to know a little more about me, I hope that you will stay with me as I continue my journey in AICE Media. I can't wait to get started on the music video and I'm sure this project will be even more fun than the last. See you guys next time!


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