An Amazing Park Day

    Hey guys, day 2 of production is now complete! Giulia and I met at my house on November 28 to film the second portion of our music video. From my house, we walked to a nearby park that I suggested would be a great place to film the next scene. This is because for the scene, we needed Giulia to lay in a patch of grass, and a park is the perfect setting. I directed us to the park from my house and made sure that we made it there safely.

    Once we made it to the park, I first suggested that we film underneath a cluster of trees. I had Giulia lay down in the shade while I pulled out the camera to see how the setup looked. I realized that the lighting was very dark in that area, so I had Giulia move to a patch of grass in the sun. I looked again, but Giulia's face looked washed out by the sunlight. I even tried using different settings on the camera like the beach, vibrant, and natural settings, however, none of them helped. To solve this problem, I tried to find another spot in the park that I thought would work for this scene. 

    I decided to try a patch of grass near a bocce ball court. Once again, I had Giulia lay down in the grass and tested out the shot. It worked! Finally, the lighting was perfect and we could begin shooting the scene. To get the medium long shot that I planned, I had to stand on the park bench and extend my arms completely out from by body so that the camera would be positioned directly over Giulia. I directed Giulia to place her phone directly in front of her face so that it would be a smooth transition from the last scene, which ended with Giulia laying in the same position.

    I found it a bit difficult to keep my arms steady when filming and to balance on the park bench. However, after about 3 tries, I got a shot that wasn't shaky and was to my liking. Once I got that shot, we were ready to shoot the next portion of this scene. 

    For this next part, I had Giulia stay in the same position on the grass, and I stayed in the same position on the bench. At first, I thought that this shot would be easy to film, but it actually turned out to be the hardest one. This is because I had to capture the same angle as was the last scene, but then, I also had to raise the camera throughout the shot, all while keeping Giulia in frame and keeping the camera steady. This shot took about 6 takes to finally get it right. The first few tries I struggled with keeping Giulia in the shot because as I raised the camera, I could no longer see what was being captured in the lens. Once I practiced enough times with keeping Giulia in frame, I then struggled with keeping my hand steady as I rose the camera upwards.

    Eventually, even though it was a struggle, I was able to get a good shot that was steady and captured Giulia's whole body. In total, this day's filming took about an hour to do, which isn't too bad. As of now, we have only one more day of filming left, and then we'll move on to the editing process. See you guys next time, I can't wait!


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