Critical Reflection Questions Blog
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues. Our product uses the typical conventions of gum commercials, as gum commercials tend to follow a theme of togetherness and unity. All the commercials I researched presented the gum as something that is able to bring together different groups or even people of the same group. In the commercial, I was able to follow this same theme, as my teammates portrayed a male and female who were originally uncomfortable with one another. I helped direct the actors so they could portray the uncomfortableness that the gum would eventually help them overcome. Once they shared a pack of gum, all of the awkwardness disappeared. This commercial represents high schoolers, as the two actors are high school age, and they are working together on a school project. The use of this social group reaches out especially to a teenage audience and shows the positive effect that the gum can have on this...