Changing for the Better

    Hey guys! Time to fill you in on the next part of the editing process. I was in charge of most of the final edits that needed to be added to the film. The first thing I did was fix the speed of some parts of the film. For example, for the portion where the character first started getting flashbacks, I wanted to add some effects to make the footage seem distorted. This would help emphasize the idea that there was something wrong with the character's reality. To do this, I first edited the portion of the footage where there was a dutch angle. What I did was slow down that footage, and then I played around with some extra effects. I thought I had found the perfect effect, where the colors of the video blurred together, but then I realized I could not use it because it was only available to CapCut subscribers. So, I instead used a filter called "edge glow," which still gave the scene that warped aesthetic. 

    The next thing I did was use a fade out filter at different points in the film. I first used it right after the dutch angle and right before the first flashback so that it seemed like between each blink, the character was seeing his reality and his dream world overlap. I used this filter between each flashback scene so that the idea could carry throughout that section. Then, I ended that scene with a fade out to black to show that the character completely left that dream state. I extended the fade out so that a dark screen showed for a few seconds, and so the audience would be left on the edge of their seat waiting to see what happens next. Then, I had the audio of the nurse saying "sir" over and over slowly fade in over the black screen, so that it looked like the character was slowly regaining consciousness. 

    The last thing I did for this round of editing was tweak the last few seconds of the film. That final portion of the movie is where the character gets into a car crash and is seen injured on the floor, and I wanted to add a few things to highlight that moment. The first thing I did was add police/ambulance siren sounds in the last few seconds of the film. I then added an effect so that the last scene fades to black. I extended the time the black screen shows for, and overlayed the same siren sound on top of it. Then, I had the sound fade out, and that's were the film ends. I added in those final touches to add to the intensity of that final moment when the audience fully figures out what happened to the character. With all of these finishing touches, I feel pretty good about the film. A few more changes need to be made, but I am so closed to the final product! I'll update you all again soon!


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