Planning for Success

  Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! The last time you read I was researching for my short film. My group and I were doing things like comparing short films to its feature film version, looking at conventions of short films in our genre we chose (mystery), and etc. Now that my group and I have done the research it’s finally the time to start planning for our short film. So, in this blog, I wanted to talk to you guys about the ideas our group came up with when it comes to the scheduling, location, backup plans, and etc, for our film!


So, for the schedule of our movie, we want to have it completely done and submitted by March 13th. By, this date we will have all of our marketing, editing, and filming done. So, our group decided to start filming around mid February. By filming in mid February, this will allow our group leniency. For example, if we forget to film a certain aspect of the movie, by having a month left, it will allow us to go back and refilm. Not only this but, by filming a month earlier, it will allow us to properly market our movie based on the footage we got and if we need to make any changes based on the footage, we are able to do so. Once, we film our movie, we want to start editing right away so that we know if we’re missing anything out of the storyline, if any shots we took have issues, or etc. We would also want to schedule to film on a weekend so our time isn’t limited by having school the next day and allows for more availability.


Up to now , our group hasn’t made the exact storyboard for our movie , meaning we don’t know the exact step by step of how our movie will play out. But, from our pitch and idea, we know that our movie is going to need multiple locations. From our pitch, we are going to have to film in a car. This would go towards our “car accident” aspect of our movie. We would also most likely film inside of a building for shots of the couple together. If possible, we would hope to be able to film inside of a hospital for the coma aspect of our movie. If we need any extra shots, that don’t require any special location, we would probably just film at one of the group members houses.


    So like I said , for this film , we haven’t exactly story boarded anything for the movie so things could change. But thinking about our pitch , our movie will surround around one male character. Aside from the male character, we would need a supporting significant other female character and we would also need someone to play the medical staff depending on how much our group decides to delve into that aspect of our idea. We would also probably want some extras in the backgrounds of shots to make our film more realistic. All the people that we need, we would ask our friends, classmates, and etc.

Health and Safety

  For health and safety purposes, we would take the upmost precaution. For example, for our car scene, if we decide to have the car actually moving in the shot , we would be sure to have the driver, which would be the main character , wear a seatbelt. When filming in outside locations or inside buildings, we would also be safe. We would be safe by potentially telling a worker at this location that we are filming something and ask for permission to avoid any hazard issues. 

Props & Costumes:

Props and costumes, we don’t think is going to be a big deal for our movie. As our genre is just a mystery genre. From the short films that we watched over the top costumes and props wasn’t really a big convention that we saw. So, we think that our actors would just wear normal clothing that is appropriate and more mature as they are playing roles of adult characters. Depending on how much we decide to develop the hospital aspect of our pitch, a costume we might have to look into is a hospital gown and a doctors coat. For props, these would just be props that match the hospital environment, if we are not able to film in a real hospital

Well that’s the planning for our movie, thank you for reading our blog! Be back as our group is going to begin actually storyboarding our movie! 

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