Re-Editing Blog: Adding the Finishing Touches
Hey guys! I'm almost there! After making all the changes I've already mentioned in my last blogs, I just had some final editing tweaks to make and the film will be completed! The first thing I had to do was insert a new scene that was filmed for time purposes. Originally the film came up to about 1 minute 40 seconds, and to meet the time requirement I suggested to film another scene that I could edit into the middle of the film.
To do this, I had to figure out the exact place that I wanted to insert the scene, which was between the scene after the note scene and before the shot of Giulia packing a bag. I created a split in the film precisely after the note scene ends. I then inserted the new clip, and rechecked to make sure that I didn't accidentally cut off any of the prior scene in doing so. I then had to find the perfect transition to make the insertion of the new scene seamless. I wanted to choose something that would match the rest of the transitions but would also help to create suspense. I originally thought about doing a glitch transition but then I decided against it. This is because this is the transition I use at the very end, and I wanted to make that portion very unique since it is the climax of the film. I then decided that I would use either a black fade or a pull in transition instead. For now, I kept the black fade in and I was going to ask Giulia for her thoughts later to make sure that she liked it as well.
The next thing I had to do was edit the sound of the scene. Since Giulia is on a phone call I had to insert a voiceover for the dialogue of the other person. To do this, I extracted the sound from a video with the dialogue, and placed it over the existing clip. I first made sure the sound lined up with the conversation in the video, and then I had to split up the sound so that it only played when it was the other person's turn to speak. It was a little tricky to line it all up perfectly, and at one point I accidentally deleted the entire audio! However, after some trial and error I lined everything up perfectly. The last thing I did was adjust the sound so that it was at a reasonable volume.
I watched everything through once more to make sure it all looked cohesive and that the sound was working, and everything looked great! I'm so excited for you guys to see it.
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