Getting a Second Opinion

    Hey guys! I have officially finished the first draft of my opening sequence, so I wanted to get some feedback. I asked Giulia to show the film to someone and I did the same, so that I could get well-rounded feedback from two different sources.

    I decided to ask my mom to watch my film for me and give feedback. Although she doesn't know much about the techniques of filming and editing, she could provide a fresh set of eyes and tell me if the video would appeal to a general audience. She also loves horror movies so I knew she would enjoy watching the opening sequence! 

    After watching it, my mom said that she really liked our music choice because she thought that the beginning music created a very normal tone, but that contrasted well with the suspenseful music we switch to later on. However, she said that she thought that we should end the sound of the music before the killer is shown. I really liked this idea, because if I do it right, I can make the music build up to the scene where the character is running and knocks down the camera and make the music stop abruptly as soon as the camera falls. That way, the audience can think that that's where the film ends, but then, the next scene will show the camera being picked up and the killer standing there. I think that this would be an unexpected twist in the film that makes it seem all the more suspenseful. I made a mental note to make that change later on!

    My mom said that she liked everything else about our film, except for one scene. She said she didn't like the scene where the two actors run out the door, because you could hear the sound of cars passing in the back. She thought that the sound was distracting, and I couldn't help but agree. That was also something that I wanted to fix later on. I thanked my mom for all her help, because she gave me some great ideas to incorporate that I think will make my film so much better. 

    I decided to ask one more person for some feedback, just to make sure there isn't anything else I'm missing. I decided to ask another media student, my friend Andres, for any advice on changes. He really liked the film and said that his only critique was the car noises on that one scene as well. Since both Andres and my mom pointed out that one scene, I knew that I really needed to re-film that portion, because the background noises seem to be very distracting for the audience. 

    I'm very grateful for all of the feedback I was able to get, and I can't wait to implement the changes and make my film be that much better. I'll update you guys on the changes I make. See you then!


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