Editing Blog: The Finishing Touches

    Hey guys! I just finished editing the final touches for my opening sequence, and I'm here to tell you all about it. First, let me pick up where I last left off. When I last updated you all I was trying to find the perfect music for the film, and I had messaged the artist Rockwell to ask permission to use his song. I unfortunately never got a response, so, I am going to use the song "Keep Moving Along" by MILANO instead. 

    With all of the music picked out, it was time to edit the sound into the video. The clips were already put together and transitions for all of the senes were finished, so now I had to line up the sound perfectly with the clips. I first screen recorded both songs I was using so that I could have a way to insert it into CapCut, the editing software I am using for this film.

    I first inserted the song by MILANO over the video, and I cut the audio down to match the portion of the song I wanted to include. Then, I lined up the song with the specific portion of the film that I wanted it for. I had to make sure it lined up perfectly so that the song begins when the actor presses play on her phone and ends abruptly before she gets a phone call. Then, I had to insert the sound of a phone ringing. I checked the sound album included in CapCut, but was unable to find this sound effect listed. I decided to look on YouTube for a video of a phone ringing instead and I screen recorded the video. Then, I extracted the sound from that screen recording and inserted it into the film. Once, again, I lined up the sound to match the actions in the video, making the sound start when the phone lights up with a call, and making the sound end once the actor answers the call. 

   The next sound I had to insert was a voice recording of the "killer's" portion of the phone call. I had already recorded this sound, so I was able to easily insert it into the video. Then, I realized I had to split the sound so that the VoiceOver would only play during the Killer's specific portions of the call, not while the actor in the scene was speaking. This was a little complicated at first, as the sound sounded slightly choppy, but I was able to smooth it all out with a few tweaks. Then, I had to insert the sound of a doorbell ringing that interrupts the phone call. I looked at CapCuts sound albums, and used the sound effect labeled "Doorbell 2." I made the volume of it relatively loud so that it created a startling effect and created a sense of suspense. 

    The last thing I had to do was insert the non-diegetic music that I chose in my last blog. I inserted the song to begin as soon as the doorbell sounds, and I made it gradually increase in volume as the video continues. This way the suspense would be built all the way up to the scene where we see the killer.

    That's it! The editing is officially done for the first draft of my film. I'm going to get a few more opinions before I submit the final version, but I am so happy with how everything has come out so far!


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