Planning Blog: Storyboard

Hey guys, so we just finished the storyboard for our opening sequence. Below is the explanation of each page of our storyboard, and all the way at the bottom is our storyboard pages for you guys to look at. 

Page 1- The first scene opens showing a phone playing music while resting on a kitchen counter. It is playing "Somebody's Watching Me," by Rockwell. This is shot from a high angle and is a close-up of the phone. With the same angle and shot, a hand appears hovering above the phone. The hand swipes the phone to the side and out of frame, and the first title appears on the empty counter which is going to be the "*name of studio* presents." The hand then swipes a cutting board into frame, same shot and angle. The second title will appear on the cutting board which will show the production company name. The next scene shows the person standing behind a cupboard door. It will show the body from the side in a medium long shot with another title appearing on the cupboard door, which will be the actor name. With the same shot and angle, the song playing, which was a non diegetic sound, stops and a diegetic sound of phone ringing begins.

Page 2- From the same shot and angle, the person gets startled by the phone ringing and accidentally cuts themselves with the knife they were using to cut vegetables. They close the cupboard door. The person now answers the phone from a medium shot placed behind the person as they wash their hands. The killer on other end of the line says, "Hi *character name*", startling person once more. This scene is all from the same shot and angle as the previous. Once the killer mentions the person's name, they spins around in fear where the camera can now see their facial expression. This is again from the same shot and angle. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Shot does not change. The next scene cuts to show an over- the-shoulder- shot of the person's hand reaching for the doorknob.

Page 3- It closes up on the doorknob turning now, prepping from an action match. In this scene, it transitions with an action match as it is now shot with the person opening the door from outside, still from the same closeup distance however. A rapid zoom- out from the doorknob to the full door occurs as the door opens violently. In the next scene, it is now a long shot that captures the full body of the person standing in door way. The person notices the note sitting on the ground at their feet - this is from the same shot and angle. The person picks up the note, same shot and angle.

Page 4- From a medium shot now, the person is shown looking at the note as they read it. A frightened expression falls on their face from the same shot and angle and the door shuts closely after. A title appears on the closed door showing "music by".  From inside the house again now, the next scene shows the person beginning to drop the note as they read it. This is shot from a medium closeup near the note. Now as the note falls, the camera tilts above the note so the audience can capture its writing, revealing what it says. The note falls onto the welcome mat. On the mat next to the note, another title will be shown stating "edited by." This is all from a high angle. The door is opened once again and the camera cuts, now placed outside at the bottom of the door. This is a closeup of the door with a title appears on the bottom of the door (producer).

Page 5- With the same angle and shot, feet pass in front of title clearing the title as the person runs out the door. A few moments pass of a blank door and then the killers foot is seen stepping out in front of the door as well calmly. The killer stops in front of the door with their weapon hanging at their side. This is all from the same angle and shot as another title appears on the side of the blade. Cutting to now be on the street, a long shot shows  a road. The person is seen running down right side of the road with another title on the left of the street, letters standing showing, "written by." As the person runs off camera, the camera pans to the left and we see the killer once more standing there from a medium closeup. The killer holds up their machete horizontally with the final title showing directed by on the blade. The killer then maliciously says "The game has begun."


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