Filming Blog: A Very Hectic Week

Hey guys, here's an update on what's been happening. The last thing I told you all about was the props I bought for my film. Since then, I have not done much in terms of production for the film. These past few days I was unable to begin filming with Giulia or obtain the camera and tripod I needed to film. This is because I was in Orlando for a mock trial competition. I left for this competition on Wednesday, so I missed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of school. Then, I was also busy competing during the weekend, and I returned home around noon on Sunday. 

For those few days, life was very hectic. On Wednesday I woke up very early to pack and get ready for the trip, and by noon I had left for Orlando. Later that night, I settled into the hotel and spent the rest of the night with the team in Disney Springs, so there was no time for me to make any progress on the production of my film that day. 

For the next 3 days, I was incredibly busy. I woke up early every morning and competed all day in the Orlando Courthouse. Then, any downtime I had on the days I competed was spent practicing with the rest of my team. As soon as we finished competing, we had a team family dinner and then went straight back to the hotel. As soon as I got back to the hotel, I went straight to sleep and repeated it all again for the next day. 

On Sunday, the team left early in the morning to drive back home. I returned home around 1 pm, and I immediately slept for a few hours because I was exhausted. I was originally planning on making sure that I had everything I needed to begin filming with Giulia, including costumes and equipment. I was also going to review my storyboard and contact Giulia to make sure that I had everything together. However, I lost a few hours by falling asleep, and I also had a lot of homework to catch up, so I was unable to do so. 

Basically, it was impossible to get anything done these past few days. However, I did make sure to constantly keep in touch with Giulia and make sure that there wasn't any pressing matters that I had to help with for the film. This upcoming week, I will make sure that I have everything I need to start filming next week. 


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