Title research: Nanny

 Hey guys, so the next step we took in researching our title was to watch an example of an opening sequence from a horror movie. We used the website Art of the Title and watched the opening sequence from the movie "Nanny." 

1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequence? 

The titles displayed during the opening sequence were "Amazon Studios Presents," production companies, and "a film by" (producer). 

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

The images prioritized are of a woman laying down with a spider crawling on her face. The woman has her eyes closed for the majority of the time, until the very end when they fly open and she gasps. 

3. What connotations do these images carry? 

The women lying down seems at first to be peaceful, however, the presence of the spider carries a negative connotation. Spider's are typically thought of as terrifying creatures and symbolize fear. The presence of the spider on the one's face can show that she is vulnerable and in a compromising, horrifying situation.  At the end, when the women's eyes flash wide open, this suggests panic and unease. Lastly, the women's open mouth at the end hints at her shock and horror at a situation unknown to the viewer. 

4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset. 

The film establishes a feeling of the genre through music choice, color scheme, lighting, and acting. First, the non-diegetic sound in the opening sequence was an eerie, instrumental sound that increased in volume as the sequence continued. This volume increase creates suspense up until the moment the women's eyes fly open and she gasps. This creates a feeling of fear and unease which is characteristic of horror films. Second, the colors used throughout the opening sequence are mainly black and blue, darker colors that indicate abuse and harm, which once again establishes the fear. The lighting used is dim, which creates a sense of mystery and unease. Lastly, the acting in the opening sequence establishes the feeling of the genre, as the women has wide, panicked eyes and a look of terrified shock on her face. This elicits feelings of anticipation and terror within the audience, which is once again characteristic of the genre. All of these aspects of the opening sequence create a suspenseful and scared feeling within the audience, which set the stage for the rest of the film. 

5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

Non-diegetic sound of foreboding music is used, which helps to create a sense of fearful anticipation that would appeal to horror films audiences. Next, dark colors like black and dark blue create an ominous feeling, and hint at something bad happening. This is amplified by the acting of the actor showing fear and dismay. Lastly, the dim lighting also creates fear of the unknown within the audience. All of these strategies hint towards a scary conflict, where the woman portrayed is likely the victim, and this will appeal to audiences who want to feel the horror of something bad happening. 

6. How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques? 

Different camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques were used to create an effective opening sequence. First, the scene shown filmed the woman from a high angle, which showcases her vulnerability and lack of power. This suggests that this woman will become the victim of the villain, and helps to foreshadow that something bad will happen to her later on. Next, a zoom is used to get a close-up of the woman's face as she opens her eyes. This captures the woman's fearful reaction to the spider on her face and whatever else is happening that the viewer does not yet know of, effectively creating a sense of dreadful anticipation. The transition from the woman to the titles was fast and abrupt, and this fast paced transition leaves the audience reeling from what they just saw, keeping them on the edge of their seats. Non-diegetic, fast paced sound was also edited on top of the scenes, and this helped to add a feeling of suspense that will likely carry on into the rest of the film. Lastly, the opening sequence ended with a fade to a black screen, leaving the audience with questions they will want answered by the rest of the film, keeping them engaged. 


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