Title Research: Art of the Title Website

 Hey guys! So now that we've done extensive research on our genre, we have now decided to research how the professionals embedded titles within their opening sequences. We first started with a google search and came across a multitude of different websites. However, the first website that really stood out to us was called "Art of the Title."

    When we first went on the site, we immediately noticed that there were so many different opening sequences available to watch. You could choose to research a specific opening sequence, choose one from a specific designer or studio, or you could just scroll through and watch whatever one peaked your interest. This website was very easy to navigate, which was very helpful. We decided to explore the website further and watched a few different opening sequences for ourselves. We noticed that below and to the side of the video was information about the movie as well as typed out credits. We were so happy that we found this website as we know that it will be extremely useful to us in the upcoming weeks. This is because this website provides us with so many different examples of title sequences in real films. We can use these examples to get inspiration for how we want to embed titles into our openings. We can also use the site to take a look at what exactly we need to incorporate into our titles and how to incorporate it subtly and artfully. Before we went on the site, we had no clue what title sequences were, but in just the few minutes we took looking at the site, we already had a much better understanding of what we had to do.


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