Planning Blog: Script

 Hey guys, so we just finished planning our entire script for our opening sequences. It's all typed out for you guys down below!

Scene 1- A high angle showcases a phone on the kitchen counter. A hand appears, pressing play on the phone screen for the song "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell. Then, the hand will turn up the volume of the music. That hand then swipes the phone to the left, and the bare kitchen counter is shown. A few second pass, and then the same hand swipes a wooden cutting board to the left and into view of the camera. The camera angle then shifts to a medium long shot, and the camera is placed to capture a girl, Ava's, side profile.  The actor is standing at the kitchen counter, her face hidden behind an open kitchen cabinet, cutting up vegetables with a knife on the cutting board. Suddenly, a blaring ring of the phone startles the actor, and she jumps, cutting her hand in the process. Frazzled, Ava picks up the phone and holds it between her shoulder and ear, saying "Hello" while also turning around towards the sink to wash her hands. The camera then transitions to a medium shot filming Ava from behind. With her back turned to the camera, Ava begins washing her hands while having a conversation in the phone. 

The unknown caller responds to Ava's greeting with "Hi Ava."

In confusion, Ava responds by asking "Who's this?"

The unknown caller proceeds to say "We haven't met yet, but don't worry, we'll be getting to know one another very soon. The games about to begin."

Ava's back stiffens and she slows her movements of washing her hands. In a concerned tone Ava asks, "Excuse me?"

The caller responds with, "How's your hand, that's quite the cut you've given yourself?"

Halfway through the caller's last statement, Ava spins around, facing the camera, and her hand comes up to hold the phone. She has a fearful expression on her face. She leans against the counter, one hand to her heart. Immediately after the caller finishes their statement, the loud sound of a doorbell rings, and Ava whips her head to the direction of the door, her hand falling to her side with the phone still in it. 

Scene 2- An over the shoulder shot shows Ava's trembling hand reaching for the doorknob. The camera angle then flips to show a close-up of the doorknob as it turns from the other side of the door. A zoom out then captures Ava's entire body as she stands in the doorway and turns her head from left to right, looking for any signs of danger. She then looks down and notices the note on her doorstep. She bends down to pick it up, and stands back up. She slams the door shut. 

Scene 3- In the living room of her house, a medium close-up shot shows Ava's scared expression as she holds the note towards her face. She reads the note to herself, and her facial expressions turns from fear to horror. She screams and drops the note. The camera tilts downwards to capture the note as it falls, and as it lands face up, it shows that the note says one word... "RUN!!"

Scene 4- Outside - the camera is positioned outside and to the side of the door to Ava's house, near the floor. The door flies open and we see the lower half of Ava's body run out the door. Her feet leave the frame. After a few seconds, another pair of shoes steps from the house to the doorway. This person is wearing dark clothing, and their hand is hanging by their side. In their hand is a machete. 

Scene 5- The camera is placed low to the ground, and the length of the street is now shown. Ava comes sprinting down the street and runs past the camera, her face flushed, hair messy, and movements frantic. After Ava runs past the camera, off to the right, the camera then moves towards the left. A zoom shows a person standing on the sidewalk, in dark clothing, a mask, and with a machete in their hand. They hold up the machete horizontally right underneath their neck. Their head tilts to the side, and they say "The game has begun," followed by an evil laugh.

                                                                                                          THE END


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