Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule


The main location we will be using is Giulia's house. For the first few scenes, we will shoot in the kitchen, the main living area, and the doorway of the house. The only other location we will be using is the area right outside of Giulia's house, specifically the road and sidewalk. This location will be used when we shoot the actor running down the street in fear, and when we show the killer standing on the sidewalk. 


Our first participant is Giulia as an actor. She will play the victim in our opening sequence, and she will be found in almost all of the scenes. The second person participating is myself. Yasmin will be acting as the filmer for all intents and purposes. Lastly, we will have one extra person, our close friend Camila, acting as the killer in our opening sequence. 

Health and Safety

    Throughout this filming process, we will have to ensure we take many safety precautions. First, in the scene where we will have the actor cutting veggies with a knife, we have to make sure that the actor carefully handles the knife so as not to cut themselves. When handling the knife off screen, we also have to make sure that we hold the knife carefully from the handle, do not point it at others, and place it in its proper place in the drawer when finished. This will help us to avoid any accidents.

    Next, we also have to be very careful when handling the "murder weapon" for our film. We are using a machete, and we have to first transport that from my house to Giulia's house for filming. When transporting it, we will make sure that it's placed in the backseat of the car, away from everyone else, and that it's sheathed in cloth. While using the prop during filming, we will have to be conscious of how the actor is handling the machete. When using the prop, the filmer will make sure that the actor only handles the object during the scene, and that immediately after, the machete is sheathed and placed aside to as not hurt anyone. 

    The last safety precaution we will be taking is for when we film the scene where we are on the road. During this scene, we will have to make sure that no cars are coming, and we will have someone placed at both ends of the road to alert us if there is any car in sight. This will prevent any accidents from happening while we are on the road. 


    For our schedule, we have decided to film during our spring break. This way, we focus entirely in filming, and not be distracted by other classes and homework. For filming, we decided that we would split it up into three days. On the first day, March 21st, we will film the first scenes of the actor in her kitchen from 2-5pm.  On the second day, March 22nd, we will film the scenes where the actor receives the note and runs out of the house from 3-5pm. On the third day, we will film the final scene of the actors on the road and sidewalk from 4-5pm. That last day we will also refilm any other shots if necessary. Ideally, we won't have to change our schedule, but if need be, we are prepared to be flexible in order to get everything done. 

    The week after spring break is the week that we will dedicate to editing and incorporating our titles. On March 27th, we will edit together all of the different scenes and will incorporate the transitions that we want. Next, on March 28th, we will work on editing all of our titles into our opening sequence. Lastly, on March 30th we will work on all of our final edits, like sound. 

    After editing, we would like to receive feedback from some friends and family. We will reach out to about 5 different people between March 29th and April 3rd. Then, on April 4th, we will incorporate any changes that we want to include from the feedback we received. 


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