Genre Research: Horror

 Hey guys! So, the last genre that we researched was horror. Below is all the information we gathered on this type of film. After extensively researching and discussing, we finally came to a consensus. The genre of our final project will be horror! We had researched other genres of film and extensively weighed the pros and cons of each genre. We even created different pitch ideas that would fall under different genres to really explore our options. After much deliberation, we felt that a horror opening sequence would be the most fun for us to film, as we felt that we could be really creative with the different camera angles, shots, movements, editing, mis-en-scene, and sound techniques at our disposal. We also felt that horror films are very easy to replicate the conventions of, and out of all of the genres we researched, its the most reasonable one for us to make given our limited equipment. We can't wait to continue researching and learn all there is to no about horror films. 


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